
In This Company you can get 1 id with 1 Adhar Card and cannot activate income id without Adhar Card.


To get all the income in this system, it is necessary to complete your qualification according to the Business Plan and then the minimum payout is required to be 500 INR.


Here, the company gives various types of income based on the profit made on the basis of volume and turn over , So if you want to get income then work is compulsory. You will not get money just buying the product. Only you will do the smart work shown here. You will be able to earn money by going there.


Here, you have to teach this system to all the people you directly sponsor and help them to complete their levels and ranks


Your details given in your registration must match with your KYC document and it is necessary to upload PANCARD, ADHAR CARD And Bank Passbook/cheque for KYC Verification. If Uploaded KYC documents mismatches with your ID details, the ID may get Cancelled.


Apart from the official plan of the company which is given on the website, if any leader promote the plans PDF or Video in the name of the company with wrong information and commitments, then the responsibility will not be of the company but of the leade


To get ID {Business Account } in this company, it is necessary to be 18 years of age


No One has to start work in this system, by forcing or by giving wrong commitment, one must register only if he or she is willing to work.


If you work in this company and show other company’s plan to your team members and try to divert their focus. Then your ID will get terminated on the basis of solid evidence


The name of the sponsor and the sponsor ID clearly written in the registration form, Hence, Once you log in with that referral link, neither the ID can get cancelled nor the ID can be transferred to somebody else


Whatever income and rewards will be given here will be given by following the tax rules of the government.


If any leader makes any offer for his team, then he cannot promote it in any other leaders team or group seminar other then his own team


This is a Product based company and nobody needs to do any kind of investment. If anybody invests money on false information by any leader then company should not be held resposible.